Cellulite Treatment
Are you extremely tired of your cellulite? Then, it is time to get rid of them, and actually you are about to be late. Procedures intended for cellulite treatment do not only eliminate excess adipose tissue but also improve the quality of the skin. With the advancement of technology, various devices have been developed with intent to get rid of cellulite without surgical intervention.
If you want to make a difference and have a perfect and smooth skin, you can benefit from the most advanced and clinically proven devices used in procedures effective in the field of cellulite treatment such as ThermageCpt, VelaShape and VShape, which allow for reducing the appearance of cellulite by heating the deep layers of the skin without surgical intervention.
VelaShape, the solution of cellulite
The VelaShape procedure is one of the most effective methods used to treat and eliminate orange peel appearance, especially for people with cellulite problems. The VelaShape 4 system designed based on Elos technology reduces cellulite sizes and provides a smoother appearance on the skin surface by using a combination of various systems (Radio frequency, infrared, vacuum, and mechanical massage). The FDA approved system in the category of devices that reduce the orange peel appearance provide measurable reductions in the fat layers and cellulite sizes, by acting in both deep tissues and upper layers of the skin. The VelaShap therapy performed in approximately 4 to 6 sessions is used against cellulite.
Thermage's war on cellulite
It is impossible to treat cellulite without slimming, losing weight until being at your ideal weight, and reducing your fat cells. The main condition for the treatment of cellulite is to improve the quality of the skin, and Thermage is a powerful option in this regard. The only way to reconstruct the collagen is to stimulate it. This stimulation is provided to the skin in a single session by the New Thermage CPT system that cools the surface of the skin by means of its special radio frequency technology, and the subcutaneous tissue is tightened, the skin is gently recovered, and wrinkles are eliminated by this system using a patented radio wave. It provides a tighter appearance, as a single-session procedure that eliminates cellulite.
New system: Cellulite Treatment with Accent Ultra VShape Body
Accent Ultra VShape is the most innovative procedure the gives effective results for getting rid of the cellulite problem and regional fat accumulation. This application administers the cellulite treatment through the stimulation of collagen production. The uniform module reduces the appearance of cellulite by using the combination of a mechanical lymphatic drainage technology and a Unipolar RF technology functioning in parallel with each other. 4 to 6 session at 10-day intervals are required for achieving the best results from Accent Ultra VShape.