Mesolift Procedure


Turn back years with mezolifting. Mesolifting is a highly effective anti-aging treatment designed to give the skin the nutrients it needs in skin rejuvenation.

Mezolifting is a combination of mesotherapy from the beginning of medical aesthetics and a new generation of anti-aging drugs. Let's first examine the aging process in the cellular dimension. There are special molecules that the skin produces in the early years. However, as the years pass, the skin is unable to produce these molecules that can be considered as building blocks of youth. This situation shows the relaxation and moisture of the muscle structure, pale skin, lost its elasticity is seen as a skin. The process is accompanied by disorders of skin color, fine lines and wrinkles.
The most important feature of mesolifting treatment is that the formula injected under the skin can be designed according to the needs of the person. The mixture of micro-injection to the skin consists of anti-aging molecules such as vitamins, minerals, amino-acids, hyaluronic acid and salmon DNA. Even after a single session, the skin appears fresh, shiny and moist immediately after treatment. Successfully applied under the neck and chin, creates a lift effect over time and rejects all signs of aging in the cellular dimension.

Who can benefit from mesolifting treatment?
Anyone aged 30 and over can benefit from this treatment. In fact, it's not right to talk about a standard here. For example, someone who has spent much of his early years sunbathing can even begin to observe signs of aging seriously. In such a case it is possible to say that this person is a good candidate for mesolifting treatment. That is, the age of the skin is not the actual patient. Mezolifting not only alleviates the signs of aging, but also prevents the future. It is possible to prolong the youth by applying regular mesolifting without wrinkles and lines on the skin. Those with chronic skin disease and those allergic to drugs used during the procedure are not suitable candidates for mesolifting treatment.

Is mezolifting as effective as a facelift surgery?
Mezolifting cannot give a result if a severely deformed patient with a significant loss of skin elasticity is completely stretched and wants a firm skin. This patient needs surgery. However, even such patients can improve the quality of their skin by mesolifting treatment and achieve a more vivid and shiny skin. This is a treatment that can be used at any age, but the patient should have realistic expectations about what treatment can do for him.

Can Mezolifting be applied to patients who have had face lift surgery?
Yes applicable. Facial lifting surgery does not improve the quality of the skin, but only the sagging skin to cut the face. Patients who have undergone facelift surgery can extend the effect of surgery by creating mesolifting and create a rejuvenation effect which is compatible with the tension in their skin.

Is this treatment applied only to the face?
Neck, décolleté and hands are the areas where mesolifting treatment is successfully applied. Alleviating the lines in the neck, décolleté and hands is an effective treatment to combine the loss of elasticity. The face, neck, hands and décolleté must be handled together while doing anti-aging.

What is Mezolifting?
It is not a painful procedure. The patient is then given a local anesthetic cream. During the procedure, the formula designed according to the needs of the patient is given under the skin by micro-injection method.

How many sessions should be applied?
The treatments schedule is determined by the needs of the skin. Session intervals range from 2 months to 6 months. If you want the effect of anti-aging operations to be permanent, you should not extend the session time. It should not be forgotten that time progresses and deformation continues.

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