Jowl Reduction

Fat accumulation under the chin, i.e. jowl (as colloquially known), caused by genetic factors or frequent weight gain causes the person to look more overweight than he/she is. Accumulation of fat and saggy skin in the jowl area can be effectively treated by means of the door opened by the technology in the field of facial aesthetic. Recently, CoolSculpting CoolMini, a coolsculpting procedure comes into prominence besides the fat melting system VShape that involves the combination of ultrasonic and radiofrequency systems. This procedure affects the fat layer under the chin, in order to create a precaution against the problem of sagging skin in the neck region.

VShape breaks excessively big fat cells by vibrating them with ultrasound waves. However, small-structured blood, blood vessel, nerve and bone cells can easily resist the vibration effect and remain intact. Undesirable effects can be avoided by this way. Since VShape does not work with heating cavitational waves, it can be safely applied to the face and does not lead to any side effects. VShape applies ultrasound and radiofrequency in combination with each other. Unipolar radiofrequency waves safely heat the skin for ensuring the connective tissue to shrink. In this way, the skin is tightened. The ultrasound and radio frequency used in the system are the products of a special and patented technology. This procedure performed on a weekly basis is completed in 6 to 8 sessions. Treatment sessions that take 20 minutes each are conducted with the comfort of massage and no pain sensation. A temporary redness and heat sensation occurs on the skin immediately after treatment. Because results are permanent, only a single-session per year becomes very effective for maintaining the achieved result in the following years. The patient can return to his/her daily life immediately after the procedure.

Excessive fat accumulation in the neck region leads to double chin. CoolSculpting CoolMini is an FDA approved and patented non-invasive procedure that cools fat cells under the chin to destroy them in a controlled manner, through its special applicator. It breaks down fat cells under the chin to change the appearance of sagging skin on the neck. Affected fat cells are removed from the body by means of the natural process of the body. The time required for the appearance of noticeable results varies from person to person. Each session of the CoolSculpting procedure takes 1 hour and the results begin to be seen after 3 weeks. The most noticeable results are seen after 1 to 3 months. The removal of fat from the body lasts for 4 months. 

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