Application of Hyaluronic Acid Filler

With hyaluronic acid-based fillers, it is possible to shape your face, wipe the wrinkle lines and give back to your face everything that years have taken.

The signs of aging on the face, loss of adipose tissue beneath the skin, collagen and elastin fibers which are the building blocks of the skin and softening of the soft tissues due to the effect of gravity. Golden standard hyaluronic acid-based filler injection to give back the volume lost to the face over years and create a smoother appearance by filling the inside of the fine lines, wrinkles.

Hyaluronic acid-containing fillers are not only effective in erasing the effects of aging, but are also one of the most effective and safest treatments in creating more attractive lips, a more proportionate, much aesthetic face and a much moist skin.

How does it work?
The active ingredient of hyaluronic acid based fillers is hyaluronic acid which our body naturally contains. The most important feature of this substance is the molecular weight of thousands of times the weight of the water molecule. Its main feature is that, it gives volume to the place where it is injected and fills wrinkles and lines from the inside out.

Where it can be applied?
Hyaluronic acid-based filler injections are the gold standard to give volume to the lips, to clarify the cheekbones, to shape the face oval and to eliminate the asymmetry of the face. The most effective treatment for filling the wrinkles and for reducing the fine lines is filler injections. There are different areas of use, such as hide the flaws of the nose, creating a more proportionate face by strengthening the jaw line. Hyaluronic acid injections are used to give moisture to face, decollete area and hands. In order to be used for moisturising, some forms have a different molecular structure and are made by different injection techniques.

Why you should choose Hyaluronic Acid Based Fillers?
It does not cause an allergic reaction. On the face is extremely safe, unlike the permanent fillings, which lead to extremely serious deformations and irreversible aesthetic problems.

Pre-Application Considerations
Contact a qualified and trusted expert. This specialist can be a plastic surgeon, dermatologist or medical aesthetic doctor. Make sure that the doctor you choose uses hyaluronic acid-based products that are not absorbable and can be absorbed by the body and from reliable brands. If any anti-aging treatment, filler injection or surgical intervention has been performed before, you should always share it with your doctor.

How does treatment go?
Before the injection of hyaluronic acid-based filler, an anesthetic-effect topical cream is applied to the area to be treated. In order for the cream work it must be left for 20-30 minutes on the surface of the skin, after that you are going to the treatment. Filling injection takes 15-20 minutes. There is no recovery time needed after the treatment, so you can return to your daily life immediately after the application.

What are the side effects?
It is normal to have swelling and a slight redness on the injected areas. All of these complaints will pass completely within a few days.

When the result will accure?
You can immediately see the effect of the process. However, in order for the applied area to be finalized, the edema should be completely over, which will take one week-ten days. The permanence of hyaluronic acid based fillers is 6-8 months. At the end of this period, the process must be repeated.

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